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MiXscience markets product ranges to be incorporated into drinking water or feed rations for all species, to help with the animals’ main physiological stages and to meet specific needs (changes of breeding conditions,  development of physiological stages, quality of the end product.)

Our ranges of specialities, all species, are accompanied by diagnostic and advices tools , for a tailored approach to each customer.

Ino range

A complete range of nutritional specialties, adapted to all ruminants and physiological stages: ration enhancement, digestive safety, optimization of performance and start of lactation, improvement of reproduction …

Livol range

A range of nutritional specialities for poultry, for better performances.

Swity range

A range of piglet feed and nutritional specialities to improve your piglets’ performances: Startylac, Starty, Weanmax, Eazymax.
Startylac  is a milk replacer for piglets, for a better transition and better performances.

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