MiXscience develops, with the help of its researchers, more virtuous nutritional programs and concepts. These programs respond to the various problems faced by breeders: contributing to the reinforcement of the natural defenses of animals, optimizing the efficiency of production and the functioning of the ruminal flora, increasing the profitability of ruminant workshops, or improving the quality of products.
MiXscience relies on its research and innovation center, as well as on partner commercial farms.
Our Innovative Solutions:
Metalixir B Pro
To support the productivity and welfare of dairy ruminants: promotes milk production and milk protein levels

Valopro NRJ
To optimise the energy efficiency of the ration and help improve digestive comfort
Valopro TEO
To optimise the protein efficiency of rations and improve performance
Coverost 2C
To help young ruminants exposed to a health risk
Valopro One
To enable better use of the ration and contribute to improving the zootechnical performance of ruminants
- Improve protein efficiency
- Maximize and secure energy efficiency
- A global solution which combines valences of PROTEOVAL & ENERGYVAL